Being the Task Mistress I sometimes receive gifts from task slaves and inferiors that admire what I do or want to show their appreciation for my tasks time and training, as I deserve!
Some of those gifts even get shown here on the infamous DTM blog!! 😈⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tribute the Devilish Task Mistress via a Amazon gift card to TASKMISTRESS@MAIL.COM
or my wishlist now
I'm always adding new things! Maybe your gift will be the next to be shown on my site!
Like my website?
I built and designed it entirely by myself!
Enjoy what I do?
You had better I work hard!
Experienced my kinky tasks and want to thank me? Well now you can!
Pay tribute to the Devilish Mistress now, you inferior slut!! 😈🌀🌀
Crystal unicorn from my slut.

Another Charlie bear for me ever growing collection, from a good sissy!
